Birdie & Mouse

Our energetic indoor cats, Mouse and Birdie, met Leslie when they were just over a year old. They will soon be two and she has already cared for them multiple times, from several long weekends to a ten-day vacation. Recommended by our local, independent pet supply here in Northern California, upon meeting Leslie it quickly became apparent that she knew her way around cats and could readily adapt to the idiosyncratic food routines of our pair and the particulars of our home, including a security system. It’s a relief not to rely on well-intentioned neighborhood kids and friends but a professional pet sitter who comes twice a day, follows detailed instructions, quickly responds to questions about scheduling, and sends text and email updates. Not to say that Mouse and Birdie see Leslie that way; to them, she’s an affectionate playmate and caregiver who’s good with a wand toy or brush and can keep up with their naughty streak. Fortunately, the cats have never had a problem or been ill when we've been away, but we’re confident she would recognize any issue quickly and deal with it responsibly. When you come home everything is tidy—not kitty ransacked—and Birdie and Mouse seem somewhat disappointed that it’s you and not Leslie who has just come through the door.   

Jane G



Birdie (left) a.k.a. “Bird’s The Word” and Mouse (right) a.k.a. “Mouse In Da House” are truly entertainers. Their sassy gait lets you know they are always ready for playtime. Mouse’s favorite pastime is jumping onto your back (via sneak attack) like you’re a horse, while bear hugging your head (sans claws - he’s a sweetie!) Birdie is a little more reserved but an absolute love bug - not one mean bone in her body. Also, don’t you just love their names!?

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