These are the questions and concerns I encounter most often. If something is unclear or confusing please don't hesitate to ask. I try to remain flexible with all requests and unique sitiuations. Always contact your vet for expertise and emergencies.

 Are you insured? Bonded?

Yes, I am insured and bonded. I am also a member of Professional United Pet Sitters (PUPS) and Pet Sitters Associates. 

Do you have references? May I contact them?

Absolutely! I will need to ask their permission first and this generally takes a couple days via email. You can also check out client testimonials on the Hall of Fame page. 

My kitty needs injections. Is this something you're able to do?

Many pet owners do not feel comfortable giving injections or other medications. I do not have a special license but I am experienced and fully capable of performing the following so you don't have to:

Insulin, B12 and iron (injections)
Asthma (tube inhaler)
Ear cream (thyroid and appetite stimulants)
Liquid medication by mouth (via syringe)
Pills (deposited in food or given as a treat)
Sub q fluids

How many visits does my kitty need?

I think this depends on your kitty's feeding schedule, medical needs, their age, and if they enjoy some extra company. A lot of my clients (generally) go with two 30 minute visits per day. Again, these are only suggestions. I'm happy to discuss the options with you. 

My kitty is very independent and doesn't need daily visits. Can you stop by every other day?

Even if there are two or more kitties in a household I've discovered that they very much appreciate the daily human contact! I once agreed to check in on a kitty every other day, with the owner assuring me that they were "independent". The kitty was so desperately happy to see me every other day that I found myself staying for much longer than I had scheduled. Cats really do enjoy your company. Whether there is a household full of kitties or just one—all visits you schedule must run consecutively. I want your kitty to have reliable love and support while you're away.

A friend of mine will probably stop by and stay for a few days while I'm away. Is that okay?

This is a big liability for me so I ask that there are no other visitors during the dates I'm scheduled with your kitties. I know that you might have housekeepers and life happens. If you are expecting someone over while you're away please let me know. My worst nightmare is that your kitty will escape or run into potential trouble when I'm not around. This is to make sure that I am fully responsible. 

My kitty always goes outside. Can you let them out while you're here?

I firmly ask that your kitty stays indoors during the dates of my visits. However, I know that some kitties have doggy doors, are used to walking around on a harness or have a designated catio. If you are okay with your kitty going outside I will need written documentation of your approval. 

What would you recommend for kitties who don't do well in stressful situations? 

There are a variety of CBD oils that can make a huge difference for your kitty. I haven't done a ton of research but I'd recommend getting something highly rated and made with the highest quality ingredients.

For regular dry food/kibble there's Royal Canin Adult Dry Food. My kitties are huge fans and I offer them some as a nightime treat before bed to help them relax. This does require approval from your veterinarian. 

Could you recommend a veterinarian? We just moved to the area.

I live in downtown Menlo Park and I take my kitties to Los Altos Veterinary Clinic in Los Altos. The doctors and staff are wonderful and are very sensitive to the needs of the animals they help. 

Do you have cats of your own?

I have two wonderful kitties—Twinkle (a total princess Tabby) and Meena (all black kitty who loves to play). Both were adopted. I've grown up with many animals but cats are my favorite!

Do you ever host kitties at your place?

Unfortunately, no. I'm an in-(your)-home only cat nanny. Also, I don't think my kitties would approve.

Do you do dog walking?

No, not at this time. I love animals, including dogs, but I am a cats-only operation.